Watch Nebraska Extension Field Days and Tours

field day

Out of abundance of caution with COVID-19, we did cancel the in-person option for Nebraska Extension field days and tours this summer in eastern Nebraska. However, these field days still went on behind the scenes as we recorded short videos to capture many of the demonstration plots and speakers. I want to highlight a few field days and tours that you can watch online that address some the common agronomic challenges in our area. One benefit this year to the online videos is increased accessibility to the information from Nebraska Extension field days because in the past if you missed or could not attend that day in-person, you did not get the information. I do get that we miss the food and social interaction with peers. However, these online videos allow more potential Nebraskans to see and hear about the work being done by our land-grant institution. In the future, we should be offering both options for you, i.e. in-person and online.

Watch the 2020 Nebraska Extension Weed Management Field Day at South Central Ag Lab near Clay Center at There are four short videos ranging from five to 10 minutes discussing weed control and crop safety in Xtend Flex Soybean, Authority Brands Programs in Enlist Soybean, and glyphosate alternatives for terminating cereal rye cover crop. There are three more corn-related videos discussing the comparison of herbicide programs for weed control in corn, atrazine alternatives for PRE weed control in corn, and management of johnsongrass and foxtail species with post-emergence herbicides in white and yellow popcorn hybrids.

Watch the 2020 Nebraska Extension Field Day in Thayer County for Management of Atrazine, Glyphosate, and ALS-inhibitors resistant Palmer amaranth in Corn at There are six short videos ranging from five to 10 minutes discussing the effects on rowing spacing, Enlist E3 corn, early and late post herbicides, and non-GMO white corn herbicide programs.

The 2020 UNL Winter Wheat Variety Tours for the south central and eastern Nebraska regions are online to watch on my UNL MediaHub channel at We created short 25 one-minute videos of each variety for the eastern Nebraska trials (Washington, Saunders, and Lancaster counties). We shot these videos from the field at the UNL Havelock Farm in Lancaster County.  Additionally, for the south central (Jefferson, Clay, and Harlan counties) trials, my colleague Todd Whitney and I recorded three longer presentations including an introduction, commercial varieties, and long-term checks/experimental varieties. You can view results of the winter wheat variety trials result by county and by region including one, two, and three year average variety performance at our Nebraska Extension agronomy website at Feel free to call me about winter wheat variety selection at 402-821-1722 and visit my local winter wheat agronomy website at I hope you can find some time to watch a few of the short videos created for you from these Nebraska Extension field days and tours. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line.

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