Upcoming Events for Farmers and Agronomists

There are a lot of winter Ag programs for farmers and agronomists to attend. I want to highlight some of the offerings from Nebraska Extension coming up in January and February. Private pesticide applicators have several training options to become certified for a three-year period. Options include an online self-study, an in-person Crop Production Clinic, the traditional local in-person training, or a walk-in closed book exam in Lincoln. The cost of the training options does vary. To learn more about obtaining a private pesticide application license and upcoming training dates and locations, please visit my website at croptechcafe.org/training or call the Extension office in Beatrice (402-223-1384), Fairbury (402-729-3487), or Wilber (402-821-2151)

Eastern Nebraska Soil Health Conference is on Wednesday, February 2 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Butler County Fairgrounds Event Center at 62 L Street in David City. This new conference is a merger of two previous 2020 conferences that you may have attended including the Southeast Soil Health Conference at Hickman and the Nebraska Cover Crop Conference near Mead. The conference will feature speakers that are planting cover crops, integrating livestock, and improving soil health. Continuing education units will be offered for Certified Crop Advisers. To learn more, to register, or be an exhibitor at the conference, please visit the website at extension.unl.edu/statewide/enre/nebraska-cover-crop-conference/ or contact your local Extension office.

Ag Management Expo in Beatrice will be on Tuesday, February 8 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Expo is hosted by the Beatrice Area Chamber of Commerce and Southeast Community College along with local support from Nebraska Extension including our speaker, Dr. Mary Drewnoski, Beef Systems Extension Specialist, discussing cow-calf management. The Expo will be in a new building at the Southeast Community College Campus, called the Academic Excellence Center at 4771 West Scott Road. Other speakers include Dr. David Kohl on roller coaster economics and management mindset and Paul Mussman from AgWest Commodities. For more information, contact the Beatrice Area Chamber of Commerce at 402-223-2338.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Results Update Meetings will be held across the state on Thursday, February 17 at six locations including in Auburn at the Nemaha County Fairgrounds, 816 I Street. These meetings will provide an opportunity for farmers and agronomist to hear farmers who conducted on-farm research share their results from the 2021 growing season. Continuing education units will be offered for Certified Crop Advisers. The meetings start at 9:00 am and there is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required for meal planning purposes. Register online at go.unl.edu/2022onfarmresearch or call your local Extension office.

I hope to see you at some of these upcoming trainings, conferences, and meetings offered by Nebraska Extension. Feel free to contact me with questions at or 402-821-1722. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line at croptechcafe.org.

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