The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) winter wheat variety tour for the eastern most portion of south-central Nebraska is scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 2022 north of Fairbury. The tour provides an opportunity for farmers and others to learn more about new winter wheat varieties and other topics relevant to wheat production. There are 35 released or experimental wheat varieties from seven companies in the 2022 trial near Fairbury. The event, sponsored by UNL, Farm Credit Services, and Knobel Seed, will begin at 6:30 p.m. in a replicated, winter wheat variety trial hosted by Mark and Jan Knobel.

The Fairbury tour is one of eight wheat variety tours this summer. Find information on other site tours in Nebraska, please visit The tour near Fairbury starts with registration from 6:00 to 6:30 pm on Thursday, June 9. From 6:30 to 7:45 pm, there will be an introduction and welcome from Dr. Amanda Easterly and Dr. Brian Maust with the UNL Crop Performance Testing Program. Dr. Amanda Easterly, I, and industry representatives will tour and briefly discuss each variety. The UNL Small Grains Breeder, Katherine Frels, will discuss currently available and experimental varieties from the UNL breeding program. I will discuss recent on-farm research on precision nitrogen management of winter wheat. Dr. Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist, will provide an update on wheat disease management. Dr. Amanda Easterly will wrap with closing remarks prior to the supper at 7:45 pm.
Supper will be served following the tour around 7:45 pm. Registration is not required to attend, but it is requested for meal planning purposes. To register by phone call 402-821-2151 and to register online visit

Driving directions from Fairbury: Heading north on Highway 15 and turn west on 717th Road. After one mile, head north on 567th Avenue, plot is about 1.25 miles north from that intersection on the west side of the road.
Driving directions from the north: Heading south of Highway 15 and turn west on 720th Road, after one mile, head south on 567th Avenue, plot is 1.75 miles south from that intersection on the west side of the road. GPS location of the tour: 40.237072, -97.199371
For more information about the wheat variety tour near Fairbury visit If you are not able to attend the tour on June 9, you will be able to take a self-guided tour after the event until harvest. Lastly, we will discuss the results from the 2022 wheat variety trial at the Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa and Wheat Expo ( on September 1 in Crete.
For potential inclement weather-related issues on June 9, contact Nathan Mueller at (402) 821-1722 or . Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line at