Nebraska Extension Agronomy Blogs

A blog is very similar to a website, but it is usually written by one person or a small group. A blog is more informal and written in conversational style like news columns you see in the paper. If you are not aware, my news column is also a blog post at Crop Tech Cafe. There are three blogs or hybrid blogs written by accountability region or multi-county Water & Cropping Systems Extension Educators. I want to write a bit about each of them, including Crop Tech Cafe.

JenREESources Extension Blog is written by Jenny Rees, Water & Cropping Systems Extension Educator for York and Seward counties. She previously served Clay County and surrounding counties including Nuckolls, Thayer, and Fillmore counties. Jenny started her current blog 11 years ago, in 2011 after two previous blog iterations. Jenny started her blog because she was looking for a way to include more pictures with her columns and reach a broader online audience. Jenny posts new content each week that is released on Sunday evenings. She does a great job writing agricultural and horticultural posts for area farmers that are timely and relevant. Out of the three blogs discussed in this column, it is in a true blog format or style. Visit to learn more about Jenny and follow her blog via email by signing up in the upper right sidebar.

Smart Machinery is written by a group of new Water & Cropping Systems Extension Educators, Luan Oliveira, Nate Dorsey, and Bruno Lena. Collectively, they cover eight counties in northeast Nebraska. Luan launched the blog in 2021 and then in 2022, Nate and Bruno joined the effort. The blog focuses on machinery, equipment, and precision agriculture. They are in the process of building out the blog/website but have already written some great content for farmers to read. Out of the three blogs, it has more similarities with a traditional website. Visit to learn more about these three educators and their blog.

I write the Crop Tech Cafe blog. I started this blog in June of 2014 when I first started working for UNL in Dodge County. For a while, two other educators, Aaron Nygren and John Wilson, wrote blog posts with me as a group like Smart Machinery. My blog is a hybrid, landing between the two styles of JenREESources (blog style) and Smart Machinery (website style). I post new content every two weeks focused on feeding you agronomic information for your farm in southeast Nebraska. You can subscribe to get email notifications of new blog posts on the right sidebar. So far this year, I have had over 2,200 blog users from Nebraska. Visit to learn more about me, regional Extension programming, and agronomic related information.

For inquiries about other agronomic resources and programs from Nebraska Extension, contact me at or 402-821-1722. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line at

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