Local Ag Fact of the Week: Week 5


What is the largest reservoir/dam in Dodge County?

The Trouble Creek Dam.

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It was completed in 1984 and is part of the Merlon England Flood Control Project northwest of Fremont which includes 8 miles of ditches and the dam for flood control to protect Fremont.

The lake is 175 acres in size when the main pool is full and the lake grew to about 206 acres this past year following the June 18th rainfall event when it nearly reached the 100-yr flood event capacity. The watershed or the area that drains into the lake is 5,428 acres or about 8.5 square miles in size. The land surrounding the lake is privately owned but the dam is maintained by the Lower Platte North NRD. This information was provided by the Lower Plate North NRD and Dodge County USDA-NRCS.

Also featured in the Fremont Tribune Weekend Ag Page


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