Happy holidays from your land-grant university, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and your outreach arm of UNL called Nebraska Extension. As you wrap up your holiday plans and 2022, it is already time to start thinking about attending some winter educational programs offered by Nebraska Extension. If you are a landowner, farmer, or agricultural professional in Gage, Jefferson, and Saline counties, I encourage you to register and attend two upcoming Nebraska Extension programs in early January.
The first program is a workshop covering agricultural land management and leasing considerations for 2023 in Beatrice from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, January 9, at the office of Nebraska Extension in Gage County, 1115 W. Scott St. It will offer updated leasing information relevant to landlords and tenants, including tips for communication and negotiating. It will address topics like equitable rental rates, managing and adjusting farmland leases, landlord-tenant issues, pasture leasing, crop share leasing and other management considerations. The presentation will be led by Allan Vyhnalek, an extension educator specializing in farm and ranch transition and succession, and Jim Jansen, an extension agricultural economist. Both are with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability. The meeting is free to attend and lunch will be included, but registration is required online at https://go.unl.edu/aglease_beatrice or with Nebraska Extension in Gage County at 402-223-1384.
The second program is our regional 2023 Crop Production Clinic organized by the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program, and local Nebraska Extension Water & Cropping System Educators. The clinic will be held from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Thursday, Jan. 12 in Beatrice at the Holiday Inn Express, 4005 N 6th St. The crop production clinic offers practical, profitable, environmentally sound, high impact training for agricultural professionals and farmers. Commercial pesticide and private pesticide applicators can attend Room 1 to get their 3-year required training. In Room 2, certified crop advisers can obtain continuing education units and farmers in the Turkey Creek National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Watershed can learn more about how they can continue to improve surface and groundwater quality. A map of the watershed, cost-share opportunities, and more is located online at https://www.lbbnrd.net/. Farmers located in the Turkey Creek NWQI Watershed can call the Lower Big Blue NRD at 402-228-3402 to obtain a registration code that will allow them to register online for free (not allowed to use if renewing private pesticide license, education only). The cost of the crop production clinic for other attendees will be $95 (includes lunch and handouts). To learn more and to register for the Crop Production Clinic, visit https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc.
For inquiries about other agronomic resources and programs from Nebraska Extension, contact me at , 402-821-1722, or visit my website. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line at croptechcafe.org.