2016 Dodge County Crop Tech Cafe Yield Tour

2016 Dodge County Crop Tech Cafe Yield Tour: September 7-10

by Nathan Mueller

2016 Dodge County Crop Yield Tour Map

2016 Dodge County Crop Tech Cafe Crop Yield Tour Routes (same routes used in 2015).

Listen to this interview with Chad Moyer and I from Husker Harvest Days about the results of the 2016 Dodge County Yield Tour:

First, how close was my preharvest yield estimates last year during this tour?  USDA-NASS 2015 Dodge County yields based on post-harvest farmer surveys was 194.8 bu/ac for all corn acres and 60.3 bu/ac for all soybean acres. My 2015 preharvest yield estimates for all corn acres was 197 bu/ac and for all soybean acres was 58 bu/ac. Not too bad and I hope that I am that close again. Check out last year’s crop yield tour: 2015 Dodge County Crop Yield Tour.

As a reminder, here is my methodology…

Crop Tech Cafe Corn Yield Estimation Method:

  1. Stop at random fields along a predetermined driving route through Dodge County (map above).
  2. Walk past all end rows and then walk at least another 60 feet or more into the field.
  3. Measure out an area 1/1,000 of an acre based on the row width. For 30-inch rows, this equates to a 17′ 5″ row length.
  4. Pull back husks on every 5th ear for dryland fields and on every 6th ear for irrigated fields in row 1.
  5. Repeat step 4 for the adjacent row or row 2 to average across row-units of the planter (likely).
  6. Count the total number of corn ears in both row 1 and row 2.
  7. Count the number of kernel rows and kernels within a row or length.  Only continuous rows counted, so some kernels at the base and tip of an ear are not counted.
  8. Calculate kernels per ear from average of 5 ears, then kernels per ear * total ears / kernel weight (75K) = bushels/acre for row 1 and repeat for row 2.
    1. Example: 560 kernels per ear * 33 / 75 = 246 bu/ac
  9. Average the yield estimates from row 1 and row 2 to get a final estimate. (Note: Yield estimates are from a small area within the field, not the entire field)


Crop Tech Cafe Soybean Yield Estimation Method:

Step-by-step printable guide and calculator: Estimating Soybean Yield

  1. Stop at random fields along a predetermined driving route through Dodge County (map above).
  2. Walk past all end rows and then walk at least another 60 feet or more into the field.
  3. Measure out an area 1/10,000 of an acre based on the row width. For 30-inch rows, this equates to a 21″ row length and for 15-inch rows this equates to two 21″ row lengths for adjacent rows.
  4. Use a pruning shears to cut all soybean plants at the base in this 1/10,000 of an acre and carry them back to the pickup bed.
  5. Count the total number or sum of pods on all plants.
  6. Count the number of seeds per pod in all pods on two representative plants in the sample.
  7. Multiply total pods per 1/10,000 of an acre by the average number of seeds per pod and divide by 18 (factor for 3,000 seeds/lbs) to get the yield estimate at 13% moisture.
  8. Yield estimates below include preharvest/harvest loss (15%) and moisture loss (harvested at 9% moisture) factor. (Note: Yield estimates are from a small area within the field, not the entire field).

2016 Crop Yield Tour Summary

The 2016 corn preharvest yield estimate was 184 bu/ac, which is down 13 bu/ac from a year ago (Table 1 below). Irrigated and dryland yields averaged 212 bu/ac and 167 bu/ac. Irrigated yields were only 3 bu/ac higher while dryland was 21 bu/ac short of 2015. This was largely driven by having 2,200 less ears per acre compared to last year.  Much of this reduction came from seedling dampening off and then the green snap from the July 5 storm. Fortunately we managed to put more rows of kernels on the ears early this season with an average of 17.0, compared to last year’s 15.7 rows of kernels. Ear length was very similar to a year ago. Given the extra heat units in June and portions of July, the corn averaged 3/4 milk line versus 1/3 milk line in 2015.

The 2016 soybean preharvest yield estimate was 62 bu/ac for the county, up 4 bu/ac from a year ago (Table 2 below). Irrigated and dryland soybean yields were 70 and 57 bu/ac correspondingly. If you thought your beans had more pods than last year, your right. The county average was up nearly 100 pods per 1/10,000 of acre from 2015, averaging 602. However yield estimates were dampened by having less seeds per pod and I thought slightly small seed size. Maturity was only slightly ahead of 2015 and the amount of lodging was similar to a year ago.

Table 1. Summary of 2016 Corn Preharvest Yield Estimates

Stop Region Irrigated Maturity (stage) Ear Count (k/acre) Rows of Kernels Length of rows (kernels) Kernel Weight Factor Final (bu/ac)
1 Platte River Valley Yes 5.875 28.0 16.6 38.4 75 239
2 Platte River Valley Yes 5.5 27.5 17.0 32.1 75 199
3 Platte River Valley Yes 5.75 30.0 19.6 31.6 75 246
4 Platte River Valley No 4.7 23.5 16.6 36.9 85 171
5 Fillmore Flats Yes 5.5 29.0 16.6 36.7 75 235
6 Fillmore Flats No 5.875 23.5 16.6 35.3 80 173
7 Fillmore Flats No 5.875 22.5 17.8 30.8 80 154
8 Fillmore Flats Yes 5.875 33.0 15.4 34.9 75 235
9 Nora Hills No 5.5 21.5 16.6 33.5 80 149
10 Nora Hills No 5.5 22.0 18.8 34.2 80 176
11 Nora Hills Yes 5.5 30.5 18.0 30.0 75 219
12 Thurman Dunes Yes 5.875 22.0 16.4 37.1 85 157
13 Moody Hills No 5.75 29.5 16.4 35.8 80 216
14 Moody Hills No 5.75 21.5 16.4 28.4 80 127
15 Moody Hills No 5.75 25.5 15.8 29.8 80 150
16 Elkhorn River Valley Yes 5.66 20.5 17.2 34.6 75 162
17 Elkhorn River Valley No 6 24.5 17.6 34.2 80 184
2016 (County) 47% 5.7 25.6 17.0 33.8 79 184
Irrigated 5.7 27.6 17.1 34.4 76 212
Dryland 5.6 23.8 17.0 33.2 81 167
2015 (County) 41% 5.3 27.8 15.7 34.2 75 197
Irrigated 5.4 31.0 15.9 31.8 75 209
Dryland 5.2 25.6 15.6 35.9 76 188

Table 2. Summary of 2016 Soybean Preharvest Yield Estimates

Stop Region Irrigated Maturity Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
1 Platte River Valley Yes 6 558 2.6 20 58
2 Platte River Valley Yes 6 573 2.5 20 59
3 Platte River Valley Yes 6 704 2.6 18 82
4 Platte River Valley No 6 631 2.3 21 57
5 Fillmore Flats Yes 6 699 2.6 19 78
6 Fillmore Flats No 6 581 2.5 18 66
7 Fillmore Flats Yes 6 648 2.4 19 66
8 Fillmore Flats No 6 455 2.3 19 46
9 Nora Hills No 6 785 2.4 19 79
10 Nora Hills No 6 571 2.1 19 51
11 Nora Hills Yes 6 542 2.6 19 60
12 Thurman Dunes Yes 6 686 2.4 20 67
13 Moody Hills No 6 475 2.5 19 51
14 Moody Hills No 6.5 614 2.4 19 62
15 Moody Hills No 6 551 2.6 19 61
16 Elkhorn River Valley No 6.5 419 2.0 19 36
17 Elkhorn River Valley Yes 6 746 2.6 18 89
2016 (County) 2016 6.1 602 2.4 19 62
Irrigated 6.0 645 2.5 19 70
Dryland 6.1 565 2.3 19 57
2015 (County) 2015 5.9 507 2.6 18 58
Irrigated 5.9 492 2.7 18 58
Dryland 5.9 515 2.6 18 60

Detailed Reports by Individual Stops Organized by Region

Region 1: Platte River Valley
2015 Platte River Valley Yield Tour


Corn Stop 1: This ear was 18 rows and 37 kernels long.

Corn Stop 1:  239 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage, corn-after-corn, 7/8 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 29 A Ear Count 27 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 37 Ear 1 16 36
Ear 2 14 34 Ear 2 16 41
Ear 3 18 45 Ear 3 20 43
Ear 4 14 40 Ear 4 16 35
Ear 5 16 39 Ear 5 18 34
Average Kernels/Ear 627 B Average Kernels/Ear 653 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 243 Yield (15.5%) 235
Corn Stop 2

Corn Stop 2: Nice late-season plant health.

Corn Stop 2: 199 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage, corn-after-corn, 1/2 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 28 A Ear Count 27 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 32 Ear 1 16 34
Ear 2 16 32 Ear 2 16 33
Ear 3 16 33 Ear 3 16 38
Ear 4 16 34 Ear 4 18 22
Ear 5 18 35 Ear 5 20 28
Average Kernels/Ear 558 B Average Kernels/Ear 527 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 208 Yield (15.5%) 190
Corn Stop 3

Corn Stop 3: Highest yield estimate came from this field.

Corn Stop 3: 246 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 3/4 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 30 A Ear Count 30 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 36 Ear 1 20 29
Ear 2 18 36 Ear 2 20 34
Ear 3 20 33 Ear 3 18 35
Ear 4 18 31 Ear 4 22 25
Ear 5 20 29 Ear 5 22 28
Average Kernels/Ear 619 B Average Kernels/Ear 611 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 248 Yield (15.5%) 244
Corn Stop 4

Corn Stop 4: Southern rust infection more severe in this late-planted corn field. Least mature field during the tour.

Corn Stop 4: 171 bu/ac, dryland, conventional tillage, corn-after-soybeans, 36″ rows, beginning dent stage.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 26 A Ear Count 21 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 36 Ear 1 16 36
Ear 2 16 38 Ear 2 16 33
Ear 3 18 38 Ear 3 14 35
Ear 4 18 38 Ear 4 16 39
Ear 5 18 38 Ear 5 16 38
Average Kernels/Ear 662 B Average Kernels/Ear 565 B
Kernal Weight Factor 85 C Kernal Weight Factor 85 C
Yield (15.5%) 202 Yield (15.5%) 140
Soybean Stop 1:

Soybean Stop 1: Rained started at 9:00 am on Wednesday, I didn’t get started again until later that afternoon.

Soybean Stop 1: 58 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
1 10 190 558 2.6 20 58

Soybean Stop 2: Sudden death syndrome in this portion of the field.

Soybean Stop 2:  58 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
2 15 190 573 2.5 20 59


Soybean Stop 3: Only field that I found white mold in.

Soybean Stop 3: Only field that I found white mold in, but also one of the highest yielding.

Soybean Stop 3: 82 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
3 15 180 704 2.6 18 82
Soybean Stop 4:

Soybean Stop 4: Determining the number of seeds per pod.

Soybean Stop 4: 57 bu/ac, dryland, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
4 30 200 631 2.3 21 57

Region 2: Fillmore Flats

2015 Central Upland Flats Yield Tour

Corn Stop 5:

Corn Stop 5: Nice grain quality and kernel fill at this stop.

Corn Stop 5: 235 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional till, corn-after-corn, 1/2 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 29 A Ear Count 29 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 36 Ear 1 18 36
Ear 2 16 34 Ear 2 18 34
Ear 3 20 39 Ear 3 14 40
Ear 4 16 31 Ear 4 16 39
Ear 5 14 39 Ear 5 16 39
Average Kernels/Ear 603 B Average Kernels/Ear 614 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 233 Yield (15.5%) 237
Corn Stop 6:

Corn Stop 6: Green snap and Goss’s Wilt reduced ear count and yield potential at this stop.

Corn Stop 6: 173 bu/ac, dryland, conventional till, corn-after-soybeans, 7/8 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 23 A Ear Count 24 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 36 Snap pic Ear 1 18 35
Ear 2 14 32 Ear 2 18 35
Ear 3 18 40 Ear 3 16 33
Ear 4 18 34 Ear 4 16 40
Ear 5 16 30 Ear 5 16 38
Average Kernels/Ear 567 B Average Kernels/Ear 607 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 163 Yield (15.5%) 182
Corn Stop 7:

Corn Stop 7: Some kernels had reach maturity or black layer at this stop.

Corn Stop 7: 154 bu/ac, dryland, conventional till, corn-after-soybeans, 7/8 milk line to black layer.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 21 A Ear Count 24 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 34 Ear 1 16 37
Ear 2 18 31 Ear 2 16 35
Ear 3 18 20 Ear 3 20 29
Ear 4 18 27 Ear 4 20 31
Ear 5 18 30 Ear 5 18 34
Average Kernels/Ear 498 B Average Kernels/Ear 593 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 131 Yield (15.5%) 178
Stop 8:

Corn Stop 8: Nice ear count for irrigated corn.  Some minor green snap, about 1K/acre

Corn Stop 8: 235 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional till, corn-after-soybeans, 7/8 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 33 A Ear Count 33 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 32 Ear 1 14 34
Ear 2 16 28 Ear 2 14 37
Ear 3 16 26 Ear 3 16 41
Ear 4 18 32 Ear 4 14 43
Ear 5 14 38 Ear 5 14 38
Average Kernels/Ear 510 B Average Kernels/Ear 557 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 224 Yield (15.5%) 245
Stop 5: Unfortunately I found Palmer amaranth. Read another blog post about how to tell it apart from waterehemp.

Soybean Stop 5: Really nice yield… unfortunately I found Palmer amaranth too. Read another blog post about how to tell it apart from waterhemp.

Soybean Stop 5: 78 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
5 20 120 699 2.6 19 78
Stop 6:

Soybean Stop 6: Starting to get tired counting pods and seeds per pod!

Soybean Stop 6: 66 bu/ac, dryland, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
6 20 150 581 2.5 18 66
Stop 7

Soybean Stop 7: My favorite tape measure… blaze orange. I have lost a lot of tape measures over the years. Blaze orange makes it easier to find after you leave it out in the field.

Soybean Stop 7: 66 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional tillage.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
7 15 170 648 2.4 19 66
Stop 8. Shorter soybeans than some other fields, likely planted later.

Soybean Stop 8. Shorter soybeans than some other fields, likely planted later.

Soybean Stop 8: 46 bu/ac, dryland, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
8 15 180 455 2.3 19 46

Region 3: Northwest Nora Hills

Northwest Rolling Hills Crop Yield Tour

Stop 9: Green

Corn Stop 9: If you look closely, you will see the goose-necked stalks from the July 5 wind event. Again, some green snap too reducing ear counts.

Corn Stop 9: 149 bu/ac, dryland,  no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 1/2 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 21 A Ear Count 22 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 14 32 Ear 1 20 30
Ear 2 16 33 Ear 2 18 31
Ear 3 18 30 Ear 3 16 34
Ear 4 16 37 Ear 4 16 36
Ear 5 16 36 Ear 5 16 36
Average Kernels/Ear 537 B Average Kernels/Ear 571 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 141 Yield (15.5%) 157
Stop 10:

Corn Stop 10: Highest average number of rows for dryland corn in the tour, with 18.8. This ear had 18 rows and 35 kernels long.

Corn Stop 10: 176 bu/ac, dryland,  conventional till, corn-after-soybeans, 1/2 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 20 A Ear Count 24 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 36 Ear 1 20 37
Ear 2 20 31 Ear 2 18 35
Ear 3 22 30 Ear 3 16 30
Ear 4 18 38 Ear 4 18 36
Ear 5 20 34 Ear 5 18 35
Average Kernels/Ear 658 B Average Kernels/Ear 626 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 165 Yield (15.5%) 188

Corn Stop 11: On average, the corn maturity is a little later up in the northwest corner of the county, all 3 stops were at 1/2 milk line.

Corn Stop 11: 219 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 1/2 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 32 A Ear Count 29 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 27 Ear 1 20 24
Ear 2 18 33 Ear 2 18 27
Ear 3 18 34 Ear 3 18 33
Ear 4 16 30 Ear 4 18 33
Ear 5 18 31 Ear 5 18 28
Average Kernels/Ear 546 B Average Kernels/Ear 532 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 233 Yield (15.5%) 206
Stop 9:

Soybean Stop 9: Highest number of pods per 1/10,000 of an acre during the crop tour at 785. I was surprised, but I don’t think I miscounted.

Soybean Stop 9: 79 bu/ac, dryland, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
9 15 160 785 2.4 19 79
Stop 10:

Soybean Stop 10: Low number of seeds per pod brought the yield estimate down at this stop, only 2.1 seeds per pod.

Soybean Stop 10: 51 bu/ac, dryland, conventional till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
10 30 110 571 2.1 19 51
Stop 11:

Stop 11: First field that I found with a lot of soybean aphids. However the economic threshold at R6, full seed growth stage, is  around 600 to 700 per plant.

Soybean Stop 11: 60 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
11 30 120 542 2.6 19 60

Region 4: Thurman Dunes

2015 Sandhills Crop Yield Tour


Stop 12: It is not easy growing crops on sand dunes. Sandy upland soils and shallow kernels

Corn Stop 12: It is not easy growing corn on sand dunes. Sandy upland soils had shallow kernels. Harvest not that far away for this field.

Corn Stop 12: 157 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 7/8 milk line to black layer.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 22 A Ear Count 22 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 39 Ear 1 14 42
Ear 2 14 36 Ear 2 16 37
Ear 3 16 34 Ear 3 18 34
Ear 4 18 38 Ear 4 18 35
Ear 5 16 41 Ear 5 18 35
Average Kernels/Ear 602 B Average Kernels/Ear 610 B
Kernal Weight Factor 85 C Kernal Weight Factor 85 C
Yield (15.5%) 156 Yield (15.5%) 158
Stop 12:

Soybean Stop 12: One of two stops with soybean aphids. It did my counting a little stickier. This field was not as sandy as I found with the corn field.

Soybean Stop 12: 67 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
12 8 200 686 2.4 20 67

Region 5: Northeast Moody Hills

2015 Northeast Rolling Hills Crop Tour


Stop 13:

Corn Stop 13: Just starting to rain and thunder at 11:30 AM on Friday… Rain makes corn as this field had the highest ear count and yield for a dryland stop.

Corn Stop 13: 216 bu/ac, dryland, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 3/4 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 31 A Ear Count 28 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 38 Ear 1 16 36
Ear 2 18 36 Ear 2 16 36
Ear 3 16 34 Ear 3 16 35
Ear 4 16 37 Ear 4 16 38
Ear 5 16 36 Ear 5 18 32
Average Kernels/Ear 594 B Average Kernels/Ear 579 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 230 Yield (15.5%) 203
Stop 14:

Corn Stop 14: Lots of green snap in this field. Many plants snapped low enough that no ear was produced.

Corn Stop 14: 127 bu/ac, dryland, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 3/4 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 25 A Ear Count 18 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 36 Ear 1 12 17
Ear 2 16 33 Ear 2 16 26
Ear 3 16 40 Ear 3 16 38
Ear 4 18 30 Ear 4 18 34
Ear 5 18 14 Ear 5 18 16
Average Kernels/Ear 507 B Average Kernels/Ear 426 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 159 Yield (15.5%) 96
Stop 15:

Corn Stop 15: Ear and stalk rots may be an issue in some fields this fall.

Corn Stop 15: 150 bu/ac, dryland, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, 3/4 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 26 A Ear Count 25 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 16 31 Ear 1 18 35
Ear 2 18 31 Ear 2 16 39
Ear 3 14 35 Ear 3 14 35
Ear 4 16 18 Ear 4 16 16
Ear 5 16 26 Ear 5 14 32
Average Kernels/Ear 450 B Average Kernels/Ear 490 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 146 Yield (15.5%) 153

Soybean Stop 13: Soybeans standing well in this field, many soybean fields had lodging issues again this year.

Soybean Stop 13: 51 bu/ac, dryland, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
13 30 130 475 2.5 19 51
Stop 14:

Soybean Stop 14: June 20th hail event in this area was still noticeable. Lots of lateral branching.

Soybean Stop 14: 62 bu/ac, dryland, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
14 30 140 614 2.4 19 62
Stop 15:

Soybean Stop 15: This is why insurance doesn’t pay out well on early season hail in soybeans.

Soybean Stop 15: 67 bu/ac, dryland, no-till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
15 15 160 551 2.6 19 61

Region 6: Elkhorn River Valley

2015 Elkhorn River Valley Crop Yield Tour


Stop 16:

Corn Stop 16: Nice ears, just not enough in this irrigated field that had lost 6k/acre ears due to green snap from the July 5 storm.

Corn Stop 16: 162 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional till, corn-after-soybeans, 2/3 milk line.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 20 A Ear Count 21 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 18 32 Ear 1 16 36
Ear 2 18 37 Ear 2 18 33
Ear 3 18 33 Ear 3 14 38
Ear 4 16 38 Ear 4 18 36
Ear 5 18 38 Ear 5 18 25
Average Kernels/Ear 626 B Average Kernels/Ear 560 B
Kernal Weight Factor 75 C Kernal Weight Factor 75 C
Yield (15.5%) 167 Yield (15.5%) 157


Stop 17: Mature

Corn Stop 17: Last field of the tour happened to be the mature.  Black layer and drying down.

Corn Stop 17: 184 bu/ac, dryland, no-till, corn-after-soybeans, black layer.

Row 1 Row 2 (Adjacent Row)
Ear Count 23 A Ear Count 26 A
Rows Length Rows Length
Ear 1 20 35 Ear 1 18 39
Ear 2 18 34 Ear 2 18 36
Ear 3 16 33 Ear 3 18 22
Ear 4 16 34 Ear 4 16 37
Ear 5 18 39 Ear 5 18 33
Average Kernels/Ear 617 B Average Kernels/Ear 586 B
Kernal Weight Factor 80 C Kernal Weight Factor 80 C
Yield (15.5%) 177 Yield (15.5%) 191
Stop 16

Soybean Stop 16: The most mature soybean field I stopped at during the tour, dropping leaves.

Soybean Stop 16: 36 bu/ac, dryland, conventional till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
16 30 100 419 2.0 19 36
Stop 17:

Soybean Stop 17: Thickest stems that I cut during the tour.  Happened to save the best till last. Lots of pods and with decent seed size.

Soybean Stop 17: 89 bu/ac, pivot irrigated, conventional till.

Stop Row Spacing (inches) Plant population (k/ac) Pods per 1/10,000 Acre Seeds per Pod Seed Size Factor Final (bu/ac)
17 20 170 746 2.6 18 89

If you made it this far and scrolled for that long, thank you for taking the time to read the full 2016 crop yield tour report for Dodge County.  Good luck with harvest and feel free to comment on this blog post with your actual harvested yield reports!

Crop Tech Cafe: Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line.

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