Winter Wheat Variety Trial Tour – June 11th near Mead

Tour of Wheat Variety Trials scheduled for June 11

Are you looking for a positive cover crop experience, improved soil quality and health, reduced soil erosion, a place to haul manure in the summer, a breakup of the weed cycle, diversification of your corn and soybean rotation, an opportunity to receive additional cost share funding for conservation work? Then look no further than growing winter wheat according to Keith Glewen and Nathan Mueller, Nebraska Extension Educators.

Nebraska Extension will be hosting a wheat plot tour on Thursday evening, June 11 at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC) near Mead. The tour will start at 6:30 p.m. at the ARDC Agronomy Research site located ½ mile west of County Road 6 and H in Saunders County.

Dr. Stephen Baenziger, UNL Wheat Breeder and Dr. Stephen Wegulo, Extension Plant Pathologist will walk growers through winter wheat variety development plots. Supper will be served following the tour at the ARDC Christenson Research and Education Building.

Wheat variety trials in Nebraska are made possible in-part through funding provided by the Nebraska Wheat Board.

For more information regarding the tour, contact Keith Glewen at 402-624-8005, or Nathan Mueller at 402-727-2775,  

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One thought on “Winter Wheat Variety Trial Tour – June 11th near Mead

  1. […] There are only a handful of winter wheat growers and a couple hundred acres at most in Dodge County. The winter wheat field I came across on my tour was in good condition and located on a sandy soil in the river bottom (Figure 6) and it showed no symptoms from stripe rust that has infected the wheat crop in southern Nebraska. Winter wheat (hard red) is a great crop in rotation for certain fields and can be delivered to Scoular Grain in Fremont at $5.80/bushel for new crop, which is 40 centers over futures. Nebraska Extension will be hosting a wheat variety tour on Thursday evening, June 11 at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC) near Mead. The tour will start at 6:30 p.m. at the ARDC Agronomy Research site located ½ mile west of County Road 6 and H in Saunders County. For more information visit press release. […]