What’s Up this Wheat? Sept. 6

Hello All,

What’s up this Wheat? Weekly highlights and resources for producing winter wheat in Eastern Nebraska.


  • NOAA Climate Prediction Center – Above average temperature probability and equal to slightly above average precipitation probability for September-October-November in eastern Nebraska
  • U.S. Soil Moisture Totals, Anomalies, Percentiles and Changes – CPC
  • U.S. Drought Monitor –Small area of abnormally dry for Burt, Cuming, and Thurston counties

Highlight(s) in the Media



Tips – Fall Planting

  • Get your seed ordered!
    • Use certified and fungicide treated seed
    • Ordered seed based on target seeds per acre (not pounds!). Start at 1.2 million seeds per acre. Increase seeding rate as planting is delayed through October – Use the Crop Tech Cafe Seeding Rate Calculator at croptechcafe.org/winterwheat/

Please feel free to email me () and other wheat farmers in eastern Nebraska that are a part of this email group with comments or questions!

You can view previous weekly emails at croptechcafe.org/winterwheat/

This email is part of the Winter Wheat Works Initiative, a local University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension effort to encourage and support growers in Eastern Nebraska to move from a strict corn-soybean rotation to a successful flex-rotation where some winter wheat acres are considered each year and strategically integrated into their cropping system.

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