Weekly highlights and resources for producing winter wheat in eastern Nebraska.

Pictures submitted on May 28 by eastern Nebraska wheat growers and agronomist in Lancaster. Email me to have your wheat picture featured next week!
- Changes to the Drought Monitor in eastern Nebraska: May 28, area of abnormally dry shrinks.
- NWS: Nebraska precipitation maps at a quick glance
- Wheat Growing Degree Days Map: Ranges from 2200 GDD (likely flowering to water ripe) in Richardson County to 1400 GDD (likely boot) in Dixon County.
Highlights in the News
- Nebraska Wheat Board Crop Report: May 27 – Southeast – Producers saw much needed rain…
- AgFax: Online tool helps assess scab risk
- The Wheat is Ready- The Ground is Not Willing- Waiting for Oklahoma Wheat Harvest to Begin
- Local Cash Bids on May 29, 2020 (July futures, $4.70)ADM Lincoln at $4.71, see Discount Schedule
- Scoular Fremont at $4.81
- USDA North Central and Northeast Kansas Wheat Straw Prices, May 26: Small squares at $5-6 per bale delivered, large squares at $70-80/ton, and large rounds at $55-65/ton
- CME Wheat Reports Page: Lots of reports
- Review of Wheat Growth Stages:From north to south in eastern Nebraska plus variation in planting dates and variety, growth stage likely range from Feekes 10 (Boot) to Feekes 10.5.3 (flowering complete at base of head).
- UNL CropWatch and Crop Tech CafeWheat Disease Update May 28: Stripe Rust Confirmed
- Plan Ahead: Fusarium Head Blight in Winter WheatFusarium Risk Tool – High risk currently (change settings in the top left corner
- K-State Agronomy eUpdate, May 29:Upcoming warm weather may slow down stripe rust spread
- Double crop options after wheat
- I need your help! Complete the new Nebraska Winter Wheat Stripe and Leaf Rust Tracking Survey! You will answer several questions and upload a high quality photo as a part of this survey to track the distribution/movement of stripe and leaf rust in Nebraska by county.
- A digital tour is being planned at the UNL variety trial in Lancaster County in eastern Nebraska. More information will be shared in the coming weeks.
- Send me pictures of your wheat to be highlighted in the next newsletter and keep sending me pictures this growing season! Email to
Please feel free to email me () with your questions or share with me great information too!
You can view previous newsletters at croptechcafe.org/winterwheat/
This newsletter is part of the Winter Wheat Works Initiative, a local University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension effort by Nathan Mueller, Cropping Systems Educator, to encourage and support growers in eastern Nebraska to move from a strict corn-soybean rotation to a successful flex-rotation where some winter wheat acres are considered each year and strategically integrated into their cropping system.