Upcoming Grower Meetings in January from Nebraska Extension

Nebraska Extension will be hosting numerous educational events this January for growers in East Central Nebraska including:

  • Jan. 8: Fremont Corn Expo
  • Jan. 14: Farm Bill Decision Aid Computer Workshop in Lincoln, NE (Pre-Registration REQUIRED)
  • Jan. 22: Crop Production Clinic in Mead http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc (Pre-Registration REQUIRED)
  • Jan. 26: Tile Draining Meeting with Chris Hay, SDSU and Matt Helmers, ISU, will present online to attendees at the Dodge County Extension Office, 10:00-Noon (Pre-Registration REQUIRED, Cost $5 per person, call 727-2775 or )
  • Jan. 29: Precision Ag Training (8:00 to 5:00) at the Dodge County Extension Office in Fremont (Pre-Registration REQUIRED, limit of 25, 727-2775 or )
  • Jan. 29: Land Application Training in West Point http://water.unl.edu/lat (Pre-Registration REQUIRED)
  • Jan. 30: Precision Ag Training (8:00 to 5:00) near Mead at ARDC (Pre-Registration REQUIRED, limit of 25)

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