Precision Ag Data Management Workshops

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A Hands-on Workshop to Demonstrate Methods for Extracting more Information from your Precision Ag Data
Who: Producers, Consultants, Ag Industry, Government Agencies, Extension Personnel

 This workshop will combine short lectures with hands-on activities (laptops and data will be supplied) using Ag Leader SMS Advanced software.

 Session topics will demonstrate strategies to:

  1. Conduct multi-year yield data normalization analyses,
  2. Analyze yield monitor data versus as-applied split planter hybrid data,
  3. Analyze yield monitor data versus as-applied seeding rate data
  4. Quantify yield monitor data versus NRCS soil survey boundaries and soil electrical conductivity (EC) maps generated from Veris data,
  5. Develop prescription maps for various crop inputs under irrigated and dryland conditions,
  6. Develop and evaluate the performance of management plans for crop inputs

4 to 6 CCA CEUs are anticipated for the successful completion of the workshop (credits currently pending approval).

The information presented represents a collaborative extension effort focusing on Precision Ag Technology and Data Mgt. from multiple universities


Local workshops locations & dates

From 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

  1. Thursday, January 29, Dodge County Extension Office, 1206 W. 23rd St., Fremont NE 68025
  1. Friday, January 30. Saunders County Extension, 1071 Co Rd G, Ithaca NE 68033


Please RSVP by Monday, January 26

For Dodge County: (402) 727-2775 or

Workshop is limited to 25 attendees!


For Saunders County: (402) 624-8000 or

Workshop is limited to 25 attendees!


Registration: $50 (add $15 for one farm operation paying for two attendees and add $20 for anyone requesting CCA CEUs)

Registration includes printed learning guides and jump drive and lunch.

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