A Hands-on Workshop to Demonstrate Methods for Extracting more Information from your Precision Ag Data
Who: Producers, Consultants, Ag Industry, Government Agencies, Extension Personnel
This workshop will combine short lectures with hands-on activities (laptops and data will be supplied) using Ag Leader SMS Advanced software.
Session topics will demonstrate strategies to:
- Conduct multi-year yield data normalization analyses,
- Analyze yield monitor data versus as-applied split planter hybrid data,
- Analyze yield monitor data versus as-applied seeding rate data
- Quantify yield monitor data versus NRCS soil survey boundaries and soil electrical conductivity (EC) maps generated from Veris data,
- Develop prescription maps for various crop inputs under irrigated and dryland conditions,
- Develop and evaluate the performance of management plans for crop inputs
4 to 6 CCA CEUs are anticipated for the successful completion of the workshop (credits currently pending approval).
The information presented represents a collaborative extension effort focusing on Precision Ag Technology and Data Mgt. from multiple universities
Local workshops locations & dates
From 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Thursday, January 29, Dodge County Extension Office, 1206 W. 23rd St., Fremont NE 68025
- Friday, January 30. Saunders County Extension, 1071 Co Rd G, Ithaca NE 68033
Please RSVP by Monday, January 26
For Dodge County: (402) 727-2775 or
Workshop is limited to 25 attendees!
For Saunders County: (402) 624-8000 or
Workshop is limited to 25 attendees!
Registration: $50 (add $15 for one farm operation paying for two attendees and add $20 for anyone requesting CCA CEUs)
Registration includes printed learning guides and jump drive and lunch.