New Pages on Crop Tech Cafe

What is new on the website?

A new page about local on-farm research highlights past work done by local producers in cooperation with Randy Pryor and other UNL faculty. The on-farm research results are organized by county and year. Past studies were on cover crops, corn nitrogen management, corn seeding rates, soybean seed treatments, and wheat variety trials. You can check out 2020 on-farm research activities throughout the year too. What is the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network? Nebraska Extension statewide works with local growers and other partners to compare management practices and products on their farm, fields, and equipment to help answer local agronomic questions. These studies are typically field length and are replicated and randomized strips utilizing Ag technology from start to finish including utilizing as-applied and yield monitor data. However, there are small plots studies conducted by UNL researchers in the area too, such as winter wheat variety trials. Check out past results and find out what is going on this year at

Last week I discussed the results from my first Saline County Crop Tour on June 1. A new page called Crop Tour will help organize past and future crop tour reports generated from my drive and stop crop tour of the three counties throughout the growing season. My next crop tour is in Jefferson County on June 15, so check out this latest crop tour report at

We have launched a new effort to track the movement of wheat stripe and leaf rust by county across Nebraska. You can both benefit from and contribute to the rust tracking map. As a producer or agronomist, we invite you to scout wheat fields for both rust disease and complete the survey even if you have not observed stripe or leaf rust yet. You will answer several questions and upload a high-quality photo(s) as a part of this survey to track the distribution of stripe and leaf rust in Nebraska. Once you have completed the survey, you can download a PDF copy of what you submitted in your web browser and you will receive a confirmation email. The weekly distribution map resulting from this survey will be posted at and on our statewide CropWatch Disease Management of Wheat page.

The newest page is all about corn at The page is still in the works, but one of my first additions was to digitize and share past results from the Southeast Corn Growers Association hybrid trials. You can now view past results from 2015-2019 for both the rainfed and irrigated hybrid trials.

I hope you are enjoying the new Extension agronomy focused website for Saline, Jefferson, and Gage counties at Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line.

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