Nebraska Crop Progress and Condition Report: May 22, 2017

Nebraska Crop Progress and Condition Report from USDA

May 15 through May 21, 2017 – Temperatures averaged three to five degrees below normal, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Significant rainfall of two inches or more was recorded across the majority of counties; however, rainfall totals of three inches or more was recorded across the southeast. Producers made planting progress during the early part of the week, but wet conditions kept farmers out of the field for the remainder of the week. There were 2.1 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 5 short, 74 adequate, and 21 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 1 percent very short, 6 short, 80 adequate, and 13 surplus. 

Report from Nathan Mueller for Dodge and Washington Counties: Significant rainfall of 4 to over 5 inches was recorded across the two counties. Producers made significant planting progress early in the week before the rain moved in. There were 2 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 0 short, 75 adequate, and 25 surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 0 percent very short, 0 short, 75 adequate, and 25 surplus.

Field Crops Report: Corn planted was 87 percent, near 88 last year and 91 for the five-year average. Emerged was 52 percent, near 48 last year, but behind 57 average. Soybeans planted was 52 percent, near 50 last year, but behind 61 average. Emerged was 13 percent, near 12 last year, but behind 21 average. Winter wheat condition rated 2 percent very poor, 12 poor, 41 fair, 41 good, and 4 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 99 percent, ahead of 94 last year and 86 average. Headed was 61 percent, ahead of 42 last year and 36 average. Sorghum planted was 18 percent, behind 28 last year and 36 average. Emerged was 6 percent. Oats condition rated 0 percent very poor, 0 poor, 22 fair, 74 good, and 4 excellent. Oats jointed was 46 percent, near 43 last year. Headed was 6 percent, equal to last year and near 4 average. Alfalfa condition rated 0 percent very poor, 1 poor, 12 fair, 76 good, and 11 excellent. Alfalfa first cutting was 8 percent, near 12 last year, and behind 17 average.

Report from Nathan Mueller for Dodge and Washington Counties: Corn planted was 95 percent completed and emerged was 30 percent. Soybeans planted was 75 percent and emerged was 10 percent. Winter wheat condition rated 0 percent very poor, 0 poor, 0 fair, 100 good, and 0 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 100 percent and headed was 50 percent. Sorghum planted was 0 percent and emerged was 0 percent. Oats condition rated 0 percent very poor, 0 poor, 0 fair, 100 good, and 0 excellent. Oats jointed was 100 percent and headed was 0 percent. Alfalfa condition rated 0 percent very poor, 0 poor, 0 fair, 100 good, and 0 excellent. Alfalfa first cutting was 5 percent.

Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions rated 0 percent very poor, 1 poor, 26 fair, 62 good, and 11 excellent. Stock water supplies rated 0 percent very short, 1 short, 93 adequate, and 6 surplus.

Report from Nathan Mueller for Dodge and Washington Counties: Pasture and range conditions rated 0 percent very poor, 0 poor, 0 fair, 100 good, and 0 excellent. Stock water supplies rated 0 percent very short, 0 short, 100 adequate, and 0 surplus.

Data for this news release were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency and UNL Extension Service.

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