Monitor Grasshopper Levels in Field Borders

Populations of grasshoppers are being reported in areas bordering crop fields in East Central Nebraska. If these grasshopper species are one of the four major species that are likely to infest cropland, control may be warranted. If they are abundant, it’s best to try to control grasshoppers while they are concentrated in the border areas…Read the full article Monitor Grasshopper Levels in Field Borders at CropWatch

Table 1. Treatment guidelines based on number of grasshoppers (nymphs and adults) per square yard.
Field Borders Treatment necessary?
Non-economic 0-2 5-10 No
Light 3-7 11-20 Uncertain — depends on size,
species, type of crop
Moderate 8-14 20-40 Probably
Abundant 15 or more 41 or more Yes



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