Local Crop Water: Crop Water Use & Soil Moisture Status for July 13 – July 20

Soil moisture monitoring at 1', 2', and 3' depths

Soil moisture monitoring at 1′, 2′, and 3′ depths

1.5 miles NE of Scribner: Irrigated no-till soybeans on Moody Silty Clay loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)

July 13 – July 20

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 2.0″
Irrigation = 0″ (0.0″ total for season)
ET (Evapotranspiration) Reading: 1.4
Corn Water Use (R1) = 1.54″
Soybean Water Use (R2) = 1.40″

No soil moisture sensors installed at this location.

2 miles W of Hooper: Location 1, Irrigated strip-till corn after soybeans on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot).

July 13 – July 20

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.55″
Irrigation = 0″ (0.25″ total for season)
ET Reading = 1.35
Corn Water Use (R1) = 1.49″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 20:
1 ft = 0.00″ (27) or 1.1″ of available water to 50% depletion
2 ft = 0.00″ (25)
3ft = 0.00″ (19)

2 miles W of Hooper: Location 2, Rainfed No-till Soybeans after Corn on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)

July 13 – July 20

Weekly Rainfall & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.55″
ET Reading = 1.35
Soybeans Water Use (R2) = 1.35″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 20:
1 ft = 0.00″ (15) or 1.1″ of available water to 50% depletion
2 ft = 0.00″ (21)
3 ft = 0.00″ (20)

6 miles E of Winslow

Irrigated Conventional-Tilled Corn-after-Corn on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)

July 13 – July 20

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 2.4″
Irrigation = 0.0″ (0.0″ total for season)
ET Reading  = 1.5
Corn Water Use (R1) = 1.65″
Soybean Water Use (R2) = 1.50″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 20:
1 ft = 0.00″ (0) or 1.1″ of available water to 50% depletion
2 ft = 0.00″ (11)
3ft = 0.00″ (10)

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