Landowner/Tenant Lease Seminar

Landowner Tenant Lease Workshop 2014

Landlord/Tenant Farm Lease Meeting to Highlight Communications, Rental Rates, Reducing Input Costs

An educational meeting on farm leases for landowners and tenants will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Blair City Building, 218 S. 16th Street, Blair, NE. This free seminar will help landlords and tenants establish and maintain a positive farm leasing relationship. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Washington County is conducting the seminar as a part of its educational programming outreach. Providing additional funding support for the seminar is the Nebraska Soybean Board and the North Central Risk Management Education Center.

“The Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease seminar will help producers and landowners deal with the volatility of their cash rents”, said Steve Tonn, UNL Extension educator in Washington County.“Landlords are trying to be loyal  to their tenants, yet want a fair return for the land asset. Tenants want to be sure to stay in business, yet feel the pressure of bidding to keep the land base that they have been farming,” said Tonn.

Topics for discussion include: lease communication – determining appropriate information sharing for both the tenant and landlord; relatives – tips for farm leases that include relatives; rental rates for 2015 and beyond; and reducing input costs to improve profitability. Allan Vyhnalek, UNL Extension Educator and Extension Ag Econ Team member, will lead the discussion on farm leases, rental rates and communications and Nathan Mueller, UNL Extension Educator in Cropping Systems, will share ways to reduce inputs costs to remain competitive. It is very helpful if both the tenant and landlord can attend together.

“Putting together the right lease isn’t about what is being discussed at the coffee shop, or what a university survey of cash lease rates says; it is about what fits both the landlord and tenant for their circumstance and situation. Attending this presentation will provide a set of ideas to work from as those specifics are discussed,” observed Tonn.

For more information about this seminar, contact Tonn at 402-426-9455, email or visit the UNL Washington County Extension web site at

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