KWBE 1450 AM Radio Extension Updates: Week of Jan. 20-24

Monday, January 20: Introduction

This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your new local agronomist with Nebraska Extension for Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties. What is a Nebraska Extension Cropping Systems or Agronomy Educator? The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has three key mission as a land-grant institution including teaching, research, and extension. Nebraska Extension is charged with extending or sharing fact-based research results with you. It is my responsibility to develop and deliver local crops and water educational programs and resources in Saline, Jefferson, and Gage counties for crop producers. My position is one of 24 cropping systems extension educator positions across the state. Did you know that Nebraska Extension delivers other educational programs across the state including Beef Systems, The Learning Child, Community Environment, Community Vitality, 4-H Youth Development, and Food, Nutrition & Health. I encourage you to learn more about Nebraska Extension and what we offer at Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on Beatrice 1450.

Tuesday, January 21: New Multi-County Website

This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your new local agronomist with Nebraska Extension for Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties. Instead of trying to coordinate changes for three different county extension websites, I will be managing one new multi-county website for cropping systems extension programming at For example, when you visit you will see on the main page under local resources a link to Crop Tech Cafe. What will you find when you visit the new multi-county extension agronomy website?  Across the top toolbar are direct links to several important university websites including CropWatch. A few items on the on the main toolbar include local programs, cash rent & customs rates, and contact me. Some other items on the website including a list of upcoming events and my twitter feed. At the bottom of the website, you can find links for local cash grain bids and the current weather conditions including Beatrice. I will post new articles on a regular basis including recordings of these extension updates on the radio too. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on Beatrice 1450

Wednesday, January 22: Chemigation Training

This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist with Nebraska Extension for Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties. This is a busy time of year for crop producers to attend industry meetings, conferences, and workshops. Producers need to obtain the proper licenses and certifications required by local, state, and federal regulations too. Applying nitrogen fertilizer through pivots is becoming more popular. In order to do this, producers need to take chemigation applicator trainings every 4 years. If you are recertifying, you can take the training online. If you want to recertify in-person or you need to take the class for the first time, please pre-register by calling me at 402-821-2151 for one of the following trainings that run from 9:00 am to Noon on the following dates and locations: on Tuesday, January 28 at the Gage County Extension Office, on Tuesday, March 17 at the Tecumseh NRD office or on Wednesday, May 20 at the Lancaster County Extension Office. You obtain study materials in advance from our office or they can downloaded online through a link at Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on Beatrice 1450.

Thursday, January 23: Private Pesticide Applicator Trainings

This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your new local agronomist with Nebraska Extension for Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties. There over 650 applicators in Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties that need to renew their private applicator pesticide license to purchase and/or use and apply restricted use pesticides in 2020. For those of you that are renewing your license, you should have received a letter from me in the mail earlier this month. As a reminder, if you only purchase general use products like 2,4-D and glyphosate, this license is not required. I will be offering 14 different training opportunities starting on January 29 running through March 30. If you need to obtain a license for the first time, these same trainings are for you too. To see the full list of upcoming trainings including in Beatrice and surrounding communities, view and pre-register online at under local programs and trainings. Free free to give me a call at the Extension office in Wilber too at 402-821-2151. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on Beatrice 1450.

Friday, January 24

This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your new local agronomist with Nebraska Extension for Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties. I am really looking forward to my first year hosting the Wilber Crop Clinic with a great lineup of eight speakers talking about weather, markets, new pests, precision ag and soil fertility. The Wilber Crop Clinic is on Friday, February 7 at Sokol Hall off main street. The program is free and open to the public. No pre-registration is required, simply register at the door. The exhibitor displays go up in the morning at 8:00 a.m. and the educational program starts at 9:00 a.m. and runs until 2:30 in the afternoon. We offer a great breakfast and lunch thanks to so many of our great local sponsors. If you hang around all day, there are door prizes to win too. Learn more about the Wilber Crop Clinic at its new website at I hope to see many of our local producers at the Wilber Crop Clinic on Friday, February 7. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on Beatrice 1450.

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