KTIC Radio Extension Corner: On-Farm Research

On-Farm Research

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This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension. As you get crops out of field this fall, you may begin to think about the 2016 growing season. Harvest is the ideal time to consider how on-farm research could benefit your farm.

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network provides an opportunity for you to get questions answered about your fields. On-farm research is conducted with your equipment, on your land and using your management practices. The goal of the network is to address critical production, profitability and natural resources questions. The research network is a collaborative partnership that includes Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Corn Growers Association and the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Several areas of on-farm research need to be planned now, such as fertilizer and cover crop studies. There are a number of new fertilizer decision management tools for you to compare. Conducting this type of research requires planning, which is where the research network can provide support. Current on-farm research topics across the state include optimal planting populations including variable rate seeding approaches, nitrogen management using several new technologies, strip-tillage, evaluation of insect and disease control products, and row spacing. 2015 on-farm research studies in Dodge and Washington County included two soybean seed treatment studies for Sudden Death Syndrome and a corn side-dress nitrogen rate study evaluating Maize-N, a model that helps recommend sidedress nitrogen rates based on early season growing conditions.

Our local Crop Tech Cafe team in Northeast Nebraska supports on-farm research efforts in Colfax, Dodge, Washington, Stanton, Cuming, Burt, Thurston, and Dakota Counties. For more information about on-farm research and how to start, contact us at 727-2775 or visit our locally-focused website at croptechcafe.org. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line. This is Dr. Nathan Mueller, your local agronomist for Nebraska Extension on KTIC radio.


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