ETgage or Atmometer installed on June 10 west of Hooper used to measure crop water use. View crop water use from around the Nebraska including locally at the Nebraska Ag Water Mgnt Network.
Location 1: 2 miles west of Hooper, rainfed no-till corn after soybeans on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)
June 23 – June 30
Weekly Rainfall & Crop Water Use for June 23 – June 30:
Rainfall = 0.0″
ET Reading = 1.9
Corn Water Use (V10 growth stage) = 1.31″
Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on June 30:
1 ft = 0.39″ (55)
2 ft = 0.00″ (30)
3 ft = 0.00″ (19)
Total available soil water before crop stress (50% depleted) occurs: 2.91″
Seasonal Summary (view previous weekly crop water use at NE Ag Water Mgnt Network):
June 10 – June 30 Rainfall: 4.6″
June 10 – June 30 Corn Water Use: 2.9″
Total June 10 -June 30 Surplus: 1.7″
Check out the Nebraska Drought Monitor Map too, new map release on Thursdays each week. Eastern Washington County is considered abnormally dry.
Location 2: 5 miles east of Winslow, irrigated soybeans after corn on Belfore Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.0″ of available water per foot)
June 23 – June 30
Weekly Rainfall & Crop Water Use for June 23 – June 30:
Rainfall = 0.0″
Irrigation = 0.0″
ET Reading = 1.9
Soybean Water Use (R1 growth stage) = 1.71″
Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on June 30:
1 ft = 0.30″ (40)
2 ft = 0.00″ (11)
3 ft = 0.00″ (9)
Total available soil water before irrigation occurs (trigger point at 35% depleted): 1.65″
Seasonal Summary:
June 23 – June 30 Rainfall: 0.0″
June 23 – June 30 Irrigation: 0.0″
June 23 – June 30 Soybean Water Use: 1.7″
Total June 23 – June 30 Deficit: 1.7″
Location 3: 2 miles north of Arlington, irrigated no-till corn after soybeans on Belfore Silty Clay Loam Terrace soil (about 2.0″ of available water per foot)
Installed on June 30
Thank You for the update