Free Windbreak Workshop on June 23

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Workshop Focuses on Windbreaks:
A well designed and maintained windbreak can provide many benefits to a home, acreage or farm. Now is the time to make plans and start preparing for windbreak establishment, maintenance, and rejuvenation.

Common questions about windbreaks include:

  1. What is the best design for a windbreak?
  2. What type of trees should be planted in a windbreak?
  3. How do you revitalize an existing windbreak?

These and other questions will be answered at a Windbreak Workshop on Thursday, June 23, at the First National Bank Northeast meeting room in Tekamah. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the workshop at 9:00 a.m. The morning program will address the topics below. After a complimentary lunch, we will travel to a windbreak five miles south of Tekamah to discuss windbreak renovation options. Nebraska Extension is partnering with the Nebraska Forest Service and the Lower Elkhorn and Papio-Missouri River North Natural Resource Districts to provide helpful information on how to put the right plan for your windbreak in place. Many windbreaks in Eastern Nebraska have outlived their usefulness and are in desperate need of renovation and, in some cases, replacement. This workshop will provide participants with information on how to start the process.

Topics to be covered and the presenters include:

  • Renovating Old & Deteriorating Windbreaks
    Steve Karloff, Nebraska Forest Service District Forester
  • Planting a New Windbreak
    Pam Bergstrom, Lower Elkhorn NRD Forester
  • Tree Planting Programs & Cost-Share Availability
    Pam Bergstrom, Lower Elkhorn NRD Forester
    Justin Novak, Papio-Missouri River NRD
  • Insect & Disease Issues
    Jennifer Morris, Nebraska Forest Service, Forest Health Specialist
  • “RootMaker System” (Bag) Trees
    Alan Weiss, President & Sales Manager, Papio Valley Nursery

For more information, please contact:
Steve Karloff, Nebraska Forest Service (402.472.3645 – )
John Wilson, Nebraska Extension Educator (402.374.2929 – )

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