Farm Bill Education Meeting in Fremont, Jan. 27

Farm Bill Education Meeting in Fremont, Tuesday Jan. 27th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Nebraska Extension and the Farm Service Agency (FSA) are teaming up to provide another educational meetings about the 2014 Farm Bill.  The local meeting is set for Tuesday, January 27, and will be held at the Dodge County Extension Office in Fremont from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.

All farm operators and land owners are invited to attend.   FSA will inform participants about the sign-up process for the Farm Bill including the documentation needed and the deadlines for sign-up.  FSA will provide information about the decisions that will need to be made for base acre reallocation, yield updates, and for the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) vs. Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program selection.

It should be helpful to attend one of the meetings to get insight on the options everyone has with the 2014 Farm Bill.  Farm Operators and land owners will have three main steps to signing up.  One is to review their current base acre allocations which is occurring at this time.  Secondly, a decision about re-allocation of base acres will need to be made.  Finally, the program selection will involve the ARC or PLC program.  ARC is the revenue safety net program similar to the recent ACRE program and PLC is the price safety net program.  With ARC, the options will be an Individual ARC coverage vs. a County ARC coverage.  With PLC, the available Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) will be discussed. Decisions made for this Farm Bill sometime in 2015 will be final for the duration of the Bill.

For more information or assistance contact your local FSA (721-8455) or Nebraska Extension County Office (727-2775).  For more information about the 2014 Farm Bill, go to or

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