EQIP Storm Damage Cover Crop Initiative

2014 EQIP Storm Damage Cover Crop Initiative

Figure 19. Soil flooded out after replanting.  Cover crops may be an options to keep soil healthy for next season.

Figure 19. Soil flooded out after replanting near Uehling. Cover crops may be an options to keep soil healthy for next season

Action Required by:  August 15, 2014

Purpose.  To announce a targeted initiative to address the loss of residue cover on cropland fields caused by storm damage during the 2014 cropping season              

Expiration Date.  September 30, 2014

Producers that have experienced crop and residue loss in the 2014 growing season due to weather and storms throughout Nebraska are encouraged to apply for EQIP assistance to establish cover crops on eligible fields.  The Storm Damage Cover Crop Initiative is available to producers who suffered vegetative cover losses due to drought, floods, tornado, hail, and high winds. This initiative will assist producers to re-establish residue lost due to extreme weather conditions needed to protect the soil from water and wind erosion.  Practice 340, Cover Crop, is the only practice available for this initiative and with the following limitations:

  • Practice payment limited to Cover Crop (340) – Single Species scenario.
  • Practice payment limited to one year.
  • Cover Crop must be terminated and grazing will not be allowed prior to October 15, 2014.  If grazed after this date then restrictions will be applied as specified in the grazing management plan to protect and maintain an adequate level of residue.
  • Practice application has not been started prior to contract or early start waiver approval.
  • Producer must submit documentation of weather event causing the residue loss.
  • Practice must meet all NRCS standards and specifications.

Application cutoff date for the Storm Damage Cover Crop Initiative is August 15, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Rich Torpin, EQIP Program Manager, at or by phone at 402-437-4061

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