Dodge and Washington County Crop Report – May 28

Nathan Mueller, Extension Educator in Dodge County: Southeast Dodge County and most of Washington County received heavy rainfall (upwards of 2 inches in some areas) on Monday, May 28, bringing total rainfall to 7 inches in May. Corn planting is finished except for in some poorly drained fields in the stream bottoms. Corn growth and development range from germination to the V4 (four visible collars) growth stage. Unfortunately, corn seedling diseases have become an issue in some fields.

Soybean planting progress continued Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in areas that received little or no rain. A majority of growers have greater than 50% of their soybean acres planted. Soybean growth and development range from germination to VC (unifoliate leaves). First-cutting alfalfa has been slow to start with all the rain and growers focused on planting. Waterhemp is starting to emerge in fields and growers will need focus on timely post-emergence herbicide application for good control in soybean fields given issues with glyphosate resistance and wet weather. Growers should consider applying soil residual herbicide options after soybean emergence to help with this issue.

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