Crop Watch & Market Journal cover Corn & Soybean Survival in Saturated & Flooded Soils

Corn and Soybean Survival in Saturated and Flooded Soils

Heavy rains on May 6-7 in southeast Nebraska resulted in ponding and flooded areas of some fields.  As of Sunday, May 3, USDA-NASS reported that 57% of Nebraska’s corn was planted, ahead of the 41% last year and 38% average. We’ve had a good planting season to date with more than 9% of the corn crop emerged. USDA-NASS also reported that 12% of our soybeans were planted, a bit ahead of last year’s 10% and the five-year average of 9%. But, will these saturated/flooded soils affect germination and plant viability? They certainly could…

Germinating and Emerged Corn

Table 1 summarizes research information on this question for corn. Smaller seedlings are more susceptible than larger seedlings… Read more

Germinating Soybeans

Very little of the soybean crop has emerged…. Read more

Read the full Crop Watch article on Corn and Soybean Survival in Saturated and Flooded Soils.

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