Last week I mentioned as a Nebraska Extension Cropping Systems Educator for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln that it is my responsibility to develop and deliver local crops and water educational programs and resources for Saline, Jefferson, and Gage counties for crop producers. Instead of trying to coordinate changes for three different county extension websites, I will be managing one new multi-county website for cropping systems extension programming at croptechcafe.org. Therefore, when visiting gage.unl.edu, jefferson.unl.edu, or saline.unl.edu, you will find under “Local Resources” on the main page a link to Crop Tech Cafe.
The updated website content reflects my new accountability region of Saline, Jefferson and Gage counties from my previous accountability region of Dodge and Washington counties. My tagline for the website is located at the top, “Know your Crop, know your tech, know your bottom line… feeding you agronomic information for your farm in southeast Nebraska.”
What will you find when you visit the new multi-county agronomy extension website? Across the top toolbar are direct links to several important university websites including CropWatch and Market Journal. On the main toolbar is the home page, webpages for local programs, winter wheat cafe, cash rent and custom rates, and contact me. You can search past content with the search box on this main toolbar. Some of the items on the right-hand sidebar is a quick survey question for viewers to complete, list of upcoming events, and my twitter feed. At the bottom, you can find links for local cash grain bids and the current weather conditions from three different stations (Beatrice, Lincoln, and Hebron). Lastly, there will be new articles posted on a regular basis on the home page including this news column. At the bottom of each article, you can leave a comment for me about the post.
There are numerous dedicated webpages within croptechcafe.org including a page for the upcoming Wilber Crop Clinic on February 7. On the mind of many producers right now, is a page dedicated to upcoming required local training and certifications such as the private pesticide applicator training and chemigation. There is even a new pre-registration link on that page for the private pesticide applicator trainings to better able to prepare for the number of attendees and to notify attendees about cancellations or changes due to inclement weather.
The website is mobile friendly for phones and tablets. Additionally, if you type in croptechcafe.com instead of .org on your web browser, no worries! I own that domain name too. I encourage you to visit the website and I hope you enjoy the new extension agronomy focused website for Saline, Jefferson, and Gage counties. Know your crop, know your tech, know your bottom line.