Cow/Calf Management Field Day – June 17

Photo Credit including feature image: Karna Dam

Cow-Calf Management Field Day Set for June 17

Area beef producers will want to make plans to attend a Cow-calf Management Field Day that is scheduled for Saturday, June 17.  According to Nebraska Extension Educator in Cuming County, Larry Howard, this Field Day will be hosted by producers in Cuming and Dodge counties.

The event will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Dave Franzluebbers farm south of Dodge, Ne (509 Co Rd 2, Dodge, NE) where we will tour their Cow/Calf Confinement Barn.  The second stop will be at the Tom Ruskamp farm north of Dodge (441 B Road, Dodge NE) where we will also tour their Cow/Calf Confinement Barn.  The third stop will be the Bob Anderson farm just west of Aloys (621 5th Rd, Dodge, NE).  At this stop we will tour the operation and learn about their rotational grazing program, see conservation practices implemented through the Conservation Stewardship Program and do a Pasture Walk.  The final stop will be at Native Acres, LLC just north of Aloys (789 7th Road, West Point, NE) where we will see the Aronia Berry Shrubs and visit about the Winery that is in progress of being developed.

Nebraska Extension Specialists, Bruce Anderson, Forage and Rick Stowell, Animal Environmental Engineer are the invited guests to this Field Day.

The plans are for everyone to drive their own vehicles, so plan your own carpooling in advance.

This event is sponsored by the Cuming County Cow/Calf Association, Nebraska Extension in Cuming County and the USDA NRCS office in Cuming County.

This Field Day is free and there will be a light meal to follow the tour so a RSVP is appreciated for meal planning.  For more information or to pre-register contact Larry Howard at the Nebraska Extension office in Cuming County at 402-372-6006 or Tom Ruskamp, Cuming County Cow/Calf President at 402-380-2347.


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