
Welcome to your local page dedicated to corn production information for growers in Saline, Jefferson, and Gage counties!

Content on this page includes Hybrid Trial Results

  • Southeast Nebraska Corn Growers Association – Hybrid Plots
  • FIRST Seed Tests (Third-party hybrid testing including a site in Gage County
  • UNL Corn Hybrid Trials at the South Central Ag Lab (SCAL) in Clay County

Southeast Nebraska Corn Growers Association – Hybrid Trials

Irrigated Hybrid Plot

Rainfed Hybrid Plot

FIRST Seed Tests

Farmers Independent Research of Seed Technologies (FIRST) provides timely unbiased comparisons of innovative seed genetics to improve yield and profitability for American corn and soybean farmers.

The mission began in 1997 when 64 corn grain hybrids from 14 seed company sponsors were tested at 12 sites in Illinois. The program now tests corn grain, corn silage and soybean seed products in 15 states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland). We utilize 11 field managers and their independent businesses to identify, plant and harvest 558 tests at 348 locations (in 2018). Visit their website at

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Corn Hybrid Trial Results



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