Chemigation Training


Chemigation Training to be held April 3rd at ARDC

Nebraska Extension will conduct a chemigation certification training session at the ARDC near Mead on April 3rd at 9:30 a.m.

Producers who plan to apply crop nutrients and pesticides through irrigation systems during 2015, including those whose 2014 permits expired Dec. 31, are required to attend a training session and pass the test administered afterward. Requirements for initial certification and recertification are the same.

Licensed chemigators can apply pesticides or fertilizer through their irrigation systems. You must attend the entire class and pass a 50 question multiple choice test to be eligible for certification. Upon successful completion of the class, chemigators may renew individual site permits administered by the local Natural Resource District (NRD) office.

Review of study materials prior to the training session is encouraged.   If you have misplaced your chemigation notebook you may request materials from one of the instructors at the bottom of this page. Individuals attending for the first time are encouraged to request training materials prior to training.

Training and testing will take approximately 3 hours. On the day of training please bring your Chemigation Training Manual, Calibration Workbook, a No. 2 pencil, and a calculator. There is no charge for the manuals or training.

For more information, please contact Aaron Nygren at 402-352-3821.

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