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Time to seed alfalfa

time to seed alfalfa
As a reminder, you need to plan ahead to plant alfalfa in regards to herbicide rotation restrictions and soil pH management, so read my blog post from Fall of 2023 at After corn and soybeans, alfalfa is the most grown crop in southeast Nebraska. Based on satellite imagery and crop reflectance, USDA CropScape estimated […]
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Plan ahead to plant alfalfa

Preparation for planting alfalfa in a field starts about 18 months to 2 cropping seasons prior because of herbicide rotation restrictions and need to adequately manage soil pH in some fields. Alfalfa is the 3rd most grown crop in Gage, Jefferson, and Saline counties after corn and soybeans. There was approximately 16,000 acres of alfalfa […]
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Another cutting of alfalfa?

What risks are there for cutting alfalfa in the fall? When and how long is the alfalfa fall resting period or winterizing period? What impact will cutting alfalfa during this ongoing drought have this fall? The answers to these questions can help you make an informed decision on whether to take another cutting of alfalfa […]
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