Ag tour for small-scale producers on August 19

Agriculture in southeast Nebraska is changing rapidly, creating new opportunities for both traditional and alternative farming. There is a great potential for those willing to take risks and invest time in small-scale ventures like vegetables and flower farming. These alternative enterprises can thrive with careful planning and dedication.

Nebraska Extension in Nemaha County is excited to announce a program catered to small-scale producers. This event is set to take place on August 19 and will feature a combination of a farm tour and several informative talks addressing the opportunities and challenges of small-scale farming. The program will be hosted at Cailyn Winkelman’s flower farm, located about two miles west of Auburn at 63765 728 Rd, Auburn.

The program will start at 8:30 am and run until 1 pm with light breakfast and lunch provided. The program will feature presentations by Carol Waters, a commercial fruit and vegetable production extension educator from Cass County on considerations for diversification, followed by a farm tour by Cailyn where she shares her experiences. Ben Jewells, a Rural Prosperity Extension Educator from Otoe County, will talk about risk management and business support for small-scale producers. It will conclude with a panel discussion featuring Leigh Wakulinski from the FSA, Luke Johnson from the NRCS, and Jeff Allgood from Auburn State Bank where they will talk about loans available for small-scale producers, the NRCS high tunnel initiative through the EQIP, and the challenges faced by small-scale producers.

Cailyn’s farm spans about an acre and specializes in flowers curated for weddings and events throughout the Midwest. Her main crops include zinnias, celosia, amaranth, strawflower, cosmos, sunflowers, and dahlias. Additionally, she grows and forages ornamental grasses and native blooming plants for her designs. Beyond her floral endeavors, Cailyn offers floral design workshops, u-picks, and operates a farm stand. She also produces handmade soaps, lotions, and soy wax candles, all featuring natural ingredients and skin-safe essential oils. More information about her operations can be found on her website:

There is a registration fee of $20 for the program. Checks should be made out to the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and either dropped off or mailed to the extension office in Auburn by Friday, August 16th. Do not forget that registration is required. You can call the extension office at 402-274-4755 to register. This event is an excellent opportunity for growers in Southeast Nebraska to gain valuable insights into small-scale farming and to explore the unique opportunities and challenges it presents.

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