Watch the Recorded Ag Tile Drainage Meeting (Jan. 26 from Fremont)

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Agricultural Tile Drainage Meeting in Fremont, Monday Jan. 26 from 9:45 am – Noon

Sorry, this recording is no long available online

KTIC Radio Interview the Chad Moyer

Nebraska Extension in Dodge County will be providing a short meeting for area producers and landowners interested in learning about agricultural tile drainage. The meeting will cover wetland compliance, basics of tile drainage, controlled drainage, and nitrogen management.  The meeting is set for Monday, January 26, and will be held at the Dodge County Extension Office in Fremont from 9:45 am to Noon. Pre-registration is required (limit of 40 attendees) and the meeting will cost $5 (cash or check at arrival) per attendee. Coffee and donuts will be provided.

Nathan Mueller, Extension Educator for Cropping Systems and Ag Technologies, will share information on wetland compliance. Two guest speakers will join us via a live online connection at the Dodge County Extension Office. Chris Hay, South Dakota State University Assistant Professor & Extension Water Management Engineer, and Matt Helmers, Iowa State University Assistant Professor and Specialist for Subsurface Drainage and Water Quality, will both present for 30 to 45 minutes each on the basics of tile, controlled drainage, nitrogen management and the latest research from each of their states, South Dakota and Iowa. Producers and landowners will have plenty of time to ask questions and discuss local issues.

For more information about the meeting and to pre-register, contact Nathan Mueller at the Nebraska Extension County Office at 727-2775 or .

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  1. […] Link to the recorded Ag Tile Drainage Meeting: Click Here […]