Ag Fact of the Week: Week 14

Can I get old aerial photos taken of my farm in Dodge or Washington counties and can that aerial imagery explain my corn and soybean yields in 2016?

Yes and yes.

Learn more…

You can learn new information from old aerial imagery! You can find old aerial imagery of your farm or community through two sources. First you can look for free old available aerial imagery through the USGS EarthExplorer.  They have the Aerial Photo Single Frames for my farm near Hooper from the 1952, 1953, and 1965. Second, you can also contact the Nebraska Maps and More Store at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus at 402-472-3471 with a legal description of your land and pay a small fee per image from their archived collection. I was able to get imagery from 1938, 1941 (see below), 1949, 1955, 1965, and 1971. Using precision agriculture software we can georeference these old digitized aerial images and add them as data layer to explain some of the variation in our yield maps today. For more information on this topic you can view a recent blog post about Connect the Dots

1941 aerial image georefenced in SMS software

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