What’s Up This Wheat? April 22-28

eastern Nebraska winter wheat variety trial

2018 winter wheat variety trial in Washington County taken April 20.  There are 31 varieties replicated 5 times, thus all the plots.  This is one of 5 locations for trials in Eastern Nebraska.  A big thank you to Teshome Regassa and Brian Maust for managing the trial and Hoegermeyer Farms for hosting.

Hello All,

What’s Up This Wheat? Weekly highlights and resources for growing winter wheat in Eastern Nebraska.


Highlight(s) in the Media

  • AgWeb: Dow Introduces New Herbicide for Wheat
  • Wheat Quality Council Wheat Tours starts next week, April 30 – May 3 in KS, NE, CO, and OK.




Please feel free to email me and the group with comments or questions!

You can view previous weekly emails at https://croptechcafe.org.

This email is part of the Winter Wheat Works Initiative, a local Nebraska Extension effort to encourage and support growers in Eastern Nebraska to move from a strict corn-soybean rotation to a successful flex-rotation where some winter wheat acres are considered each year and strategically integrated into their cropping system.


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