Why Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematodes This Fall: Free Analysis

scn bags

Pickup bags to submit soils samples for a free soybean cyst nematode (SCN) analysis from your local Nebraska Extension Office. I have 31 bags here at the office in Fremont

For years we have promoted farmers soil sampling their fields for SCN in the fall after harvest. The reasons we’ve listed for sampling at this time of year have not changed. They are just as important today as they were five or ten years ago. Here’s our countdown of the “Top Five” reasons for soil sampling for SCN this fall:

5. Poor yielding fields or areas are likely fresh on your mind or evident from yield maps. These are areas where yields didn’t meet expectations and you can’t “blame” it on anything else, such as weeds, compaction, insects, soil type, herbicide injury, etc…

Read the full article at CropWatch

John Wilson, Extension Educator
Loren Giesler, Extension Plant Pathologist


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