Local Crop Water: Crop Water Use & Soil Moisture Status for July 6 – July 13

A new program called “Local Crop Water” sponsored by Nebraska Extension in Dodge & Washington counties will share weekly crop water use and soil moisture measurements from three irrigated and one rainfed field in 2015.  The cost of the materials (ET gauges, Watermark soil sensors, sensor reading, mileage, etc.) for the program comes from local extension funds.  Growers participating in this year’s program were willing to share weekly irrigation totals during the growing season.  In 2016, three new producers willing to share irrigation amounts will be identified for this program.

This program compliments a larger network called Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network where weekly ET readings are shared with the public. This local program adds soil moisture monitoring and irrigation amount sharing.  The goal of the “Local Crop Water” is to promote technology that improves local irrigation water management.

1.5 miles NE of Scribner:

July 6 – July 13

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.1″
Irrigation = 0.0″
ET (Evapotranspiration) Reading: 1.4
Corn Water Use (V14) = 1.41″
Soybean Water Use (R2) = 1.40″

No soil moisture sensors installed at this location.

2 miles W of Hooper: Location 1, Irrigated strip-till corn after soybeans on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot).

July 6 – July 13

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.2″
Irrigation = 0.25″
ET Reading = 1.4
Corn Water Use (V17) = 1.54″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 13:
1 ft = 0.02″ (21)
2 ft = 0.02″ (21)
3ft = 0.00″ (14)

June 29-July 6

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation and Crop Water Use for June 29 – July 6:
Rainfall = 1.4″
Irrigation = 0.0″
ET Reading = 0.8
Corn Water Use (V14) = 0.81″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 6:
1 ft = 0.20″ (33)
2 ft = 0.15″ (29)
3ft = 0.00″ (15)

2 miles W of Hooper: Location 2, Rainfed No-till Soybeans after Corn on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)

July 6 – July 13

Weekly Rainfall & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.2″
ET Reading = 1.4
Soybeans Water Use (R1) = 1.26″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 13:
1 ft = 0.00″ (8)
2 ft = 0.00″ (15)
3 ft = 0.00″ (13)

June 29 – July 6

Weekly Rainfall & Crop Water Use for June 29 – July 6:
Rainfall = 1.4″
ET Reading = 0.8
Soybeans Water Use (V6) = 0.48″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 6:
1 ft = 0.00″ (20)
2 ft = 0.00″ (15)
3 ft = 0.00″ (15)

6 miles E of Winslow

Irrigated Conventional-Tilled Corn-after-Corn on Moody Silty Clay Loam soil (about 2.2″ of available water per foot)

July 6 – July 13

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water Use for July 6 – July 13:
Rainfall = 1.8″
Irrigation = 0.0″
ET Reading  = 1.3
Corn Water Use (V15) = 1.31″
Soybean Water Use (R1) = 1.17″

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 13:
1 ft = 0.00″ (15)
2 ft = 0.00″ (13)
3ft = 0.00″ (13)

June 29 – July 6

Weekly Rainfall/Irrigation & Crop Water use for June 29 – July 6:
Rainfall = 1.4″
Irrigation = 0.0″
ET Reading =0.7
Corn Water Use (V12) = 0.62″
Soybean Water Use (V6) = 0.42

Soil Water Depleted at Depth (Sensor Reading) on July 6:
1 ft = 0.00″ (15)
2 ft = 0.02″ (21)
3 ft = 0.00″ (15)


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One thought on “Local Crop Water: Crop Water Use & Soil Moisture Status for July 6 – July 13

  1. […] and rainfed corn in good-excellent condition due to excellent topsoil and subsoil moisture (Local Crop Water Status). The growth and development of corn ranged from V14 to silking. Less than 50% of the corn was […]